. . :. :: :.: ::.::: .:. .: : ::: .. :. .:..: :.. ::
Product Pictures


:. Pioneer DVR-104 (DVR-A04) DVD-RW IDE Drive

:. Installation .:

Installing the DVD drive is very basic, all you have to do is make sure the computer is off and then remove the 5.25 slot cove and insert the drive and screw it in with screws with a length of 5mm or less because if you use longer screws you will cause damage to the drive. Also make sure the screws are tight because vibration caused by disk rotation may generate ripping noise and we all know that sucks. After you connect the IDE and power cable to the drive then boot up the computer and then restart again and everything should be all set and your computer should read it as "Pioneer dvd-rw dvr-104" and also if your not using Windows XP (does it automatically)  make sure you turn DMA on in Device Manager.


:. Performance .:




:. Pressed CD .:

Nero CD Speed: (higher - better)

Speed Average: 18.80x

Speed Start: 11.48x

Speed End: 24.56x

Seek Times: (lower - better)

Random: 143ms

1/3: 164ms

Full: 297ms

:. DVD .:

Nero CD Speed: (higher - better)


Speed Average: 6307

Speed Start: 3453

Speed End: 8279


Seek Times: (lower - better)

Random: 141

1/3: 165

Full: 304

DVD Ripping Speed: (higher - better)

DVD Ripping Speed: 2750Kb/s

DVD Reading Speed: (higher - better)

Both DVD-R and DVD-RW got 2794kb/s

:. Pros and Cons .:


:. Pros .:

  • CD-R(W), DVD-R(W) combo drive
  • Low noise and CPU Usage whilst operating
  • Pioneer included fan and front ventilation holes to keep it cool
  • Price is resenable for the technology
  • Supports CD-Text

:. Cons .:

  • Can't overburn higher than 82mins - CD-R
  • Only 2x for DVD-R and 1x DVD-RW
  • Doesn't support DAO-RAW
  • Most cheap media can only be burned at 1x (for now)

:. Conclusion .:

Overall Pioneer did a superb job in there new line of DVD-RW drives. It is great from anything like Home video backup or backing up all those important files on your hard drive to backing up all your favorite games or even console games ;). I was extremely satisfied with the drive and it did everything for me except when I put in no-name DVD-R and tried to burn it at 2x but other then that it has proven to me that DVD-RW is hear to stay and DVD+RW better step up big to compete with DVD-RW.

The DVR-104 is reasonably priced and this should really help in making DVD-RW more accessible to a wider audience and this should help lower the price for DVD-RW drives and also the media.

The only think I would say is for them to in proof there small problem of no-name DVDs not burning at 2x only 1x and also make a big jump in speeds in there next generation of drives because DVD+RW is already at 2.4 and new DVD+RW drives are soon to be released and this could effect DVD-RW in a major way and they also promises the same and even higher compatibility than DVD-R. 


modfactor.com rating: 9/10

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